Good policy ideas will go nowhere without the leadership of good policy-makers. FRC Action and FRC Action PAC meet with candidates, research their records, analyze their positions, and endorse those we believe will be principled leaders for faith, family, and freedom.


Whether you are seeking to impact public policy or gain a better understanding of issues impacting faith, family, and freedom, equip yourself with research and information compiled through the lens of a biblical worldview.


While Education Secretary Miguel Cardona took his turn in the House hot seat over Title IX, states were busy making life a misery for White House attorneys. Adding to Joe Biden's headaches, another two governors are daring the administration to come after them after publicly flouting his rule to let boys into girls' bathrooms, locker and dorm rooms, and on sports teams. "Protecting our kids and women's athletics is my duty," Cornhusker leader Jim Pillen (R) insisted late last week. "Nebraska will not comply." And they aren't the only ones.

Just in time for November's presidential election, federal agencies are reportedly restarting their censorship collaboration with tech and internet giants. At the tech-oriented RSA Conference in San Francisco this week, U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner (D-Va.) told reporters that federal agencies like the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have resumed discussions with social media companies regarding "disinformation."

A recent study is declaring U.S. abortion law to be "far more permissive than the vast majority of the world." In its 2024 report on "Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms," published last week, the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute found that the U.S. is one of only eight countries in the United Nations that allows abortion on demand without any gestational limits, and one of only 15 countries in the U.N. to allow abortion on demand past 15 weeks of pregnancy. The U.N. has 193 member states.

Children are a gift from God. We see this throughout Scripture, as well as in the way Jesus treated them during His earthly ministry. In the creation account, God told Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28 to "be fruitful and multiply." This command to Adam and Eve was the moment "God set in motion His plan to fill the world He created with people." Isaiah 45:18 says the Lord established the earth - "He did not create it empty, He formed it to be inhabited!" Biblically, there are many passages that explain the beauty of children and family.

In early April, 16-year-old high school student Christian McGhee faced severe backlash at Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina for using the term "illegal aliens" in his English class. His comment resulted in a three-day suspension and was met with threats and bullying upon his return. On Tuesday, the Liberty Justice Center (LJC) filed a lawsuit against the Davidson County Board of Education.

With American voters listing immigration among their top concerns heading into the November elections, the Biden administration does not appear to be changing course on policies to address the border crisis, as record numbers of illegal immigrant apprehensions continue to mount, the quantity of taxpayer dollars spent on migrants balloons, and a record backlog of 3.5 million immigration court cases pile up.


Based in Washington, D.C., FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council. We seek to educate and influence elected officials on Capitol Hill and in the states, activate our grassroots network, and mobilize Values Voters on behalf of faith, family, and freedom.